JOBOBIKE Outer Tires
JOBOBIKE Outer Tires
€32,00 - €45,00
JOBOBIKE Thermobag
JOBOBIKE Thermobag
€62,00 - €274,00


Model :

Product description:

SCRJYT5S-20-15 - Waterproof 10 Core 36V Brushless Power Cable with 12 Magnets for Booster Sensors (Power Cable with 2 Squaremm Core Profile) 
ECRLSW-765-48-3MA-  LSW-765(48-3MA) fully waterproof 48V current limit: 17±0.5A brushless controller with 12 magnets with brake taillight cable 
RCRJYT-5S-10-16-48V18A brushless controller with Bafang snowmobile 9 core

SCRJYT5S-20-15 is suitable for: JOBOBIKE Sam
ECRLSW-765-48-3MA is suitable for: JOBOBIKE Eddy,JOBOBIKE Eddyx
RCRJYT-5S-10-16 is suitable for: JOBOBIKE Robin

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